Friday, February 2

Meeting Our Guide

We (Sarah, Jamie, and Tori) were wandering in the Forbidden Forest when we heard a noise. As we stopped to strain our ears to listen to the faint noise, we were shocked when it was a familiar sound! It started as a beat, then a rhythm, and grew into a tune.
“You and I must make a pact…”
 It was Michael Jackson! Sarah tore away from us and started running toward the sound. We scrambled after her as the song continued…
“We must bring salvation back,"
We heard a cry of exclamation from Sarah. She had found him. Dodging through the underbrush, we followed the sounds of hyperventilation to find Michael Jackson singing to Sarah as she stared up at him with rapture and bliss. We listened as he sang
"Where there is love, I’ll be there."
As Michael Jackson finished his last note, we can’t help but to applaud. When we were finished basking in his eternal glory, we inquired about his presence in the forest. He told us he had a direct message from Allah to come and save us from damnation. Just as he told us this message, a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky. Allah was showing us that he was telling the truth. But what could we have possibly done wrong in our lives, we, the innocent teenagers?


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